How to Connect Calendar and Register Meetings to CRM (Android)
Click on settings -> calendar source -> and then choose CRM calendar or Phone calendar.
If you chose your CRM calendar, LiiD will show all the meetings you have in your CRM. The meetings you create will appear in your CRM and when you add notes then the notes will be added to the right event in your CRM.
If you choose your Phone calendar you will be able to see all the meetings you have in your Phone calendar. The most common use case is to choose your Phone calendar and pick the calendar where you have your work related meetings (for example your Outlook or Gmail calendar). This means that you can easily add a meeting from your email calendar to your CRM. To do so click on the meeting/event and then click on the cloud icon on the top of your screen. If you have sent an email invitation to someone in your CRM, LiiD will automatically know under which lead/contact and account the event should be logged.
To add notes after a meeting, click on the text bubble on the top of your screen.